
Anxiety is an emotion characterized by feelings of tension, worried thoughts and physical changes like increased blood pressure. People with anxiety disorders usually have recurring intrusive thoughts or concerns.

Sometimes, the cause of anxiety is easy to spot, while other times it may not be. Everyone feels some level of anxiety once in a while. But overwhelming, recurring thoughts can deeply impact a person's health, personal and professional life.. When anxiety interferes like this, one should take professional help.

Examples of regular anxiety :

  • Exam worries

  • Nervousness before a viva or a job interview

  • Worries about a stressful situation

Symptoms of Anxiety Disorder :

  • Worrying constantly and excessively for no apparent reason, which affects health and interfere with day to day activities.

  • Confusion, difficulty in concentration. restlessness, fumbling

  • Fear of places, objects and situations

  • Sleep issues and vivid dreams

  • Physical symptoms like : increased muscle tension, tightness of chest, breathlessness, increased heart rate, dizziness,nausea

Causes of Anxiety :

  • Stress

  • Family history of mental health issues

  • Medical issues : Thyroid issues, Diabetes, Blood pressure problems, heart disease can also cause anxiety.

  • Drugs and Alcohol abuse

  • Personality vulnerabilities can also cause exacerbation of anxiety if a person undergoes stress.

Types of Anxiety disorders :

  • Panic Attacks - Sudden episode of intense anxiety, dizziness, breathlessness, sweating, increased heart rate, feeling of impending doom. It can last for a few minutes and leaves a person scared and exhausted.

  • Generalized Anxiety disorder(GAD)- People with GAD have free floating and excessive anxiety about everyday life events, without any trigger.

  • Social Anxiety - Fear of being judged and negatively evaluated in social situations. This fear can affect work, and inter-personal relationships.

  • Specific Phobias - A person feels fearful about a particular object or situation and may go to great lengths to avoid it, for example, having an injection, fear of spiders or travelling on a train/plane.

Other conditions where anxiety is present are OCD and PTSD.

Treatments of Anxiety :

Effective treatment helps you learn how to manage your anxiety. The type of treatment will depend on the type of anxiety you're experiencing.

1) Psychological Treatments for Anxiety - It helps you change your thinking patterns so you're able to keep your anxiety under control and reduce irrational worries. For example - Cognitive Behavior Therapy(CBT), Behavior therapy(BT).

2) Medical Treatments for Anxiety - Most of the people improve with therapy, however if the symptoms are severe then medicinal support is required.

3) Strategies to Manage Anxiety -

  • Deep Breathing Exercises

  • Relaxation Exercises

  • Challenging Anxiety

  • Grounding technique

  • Worry time and Worry box

  • Time management techniques

  • Mindfulness