Process and Etiquette of Tele-consultation

"The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place"

William Whyte, 1957

Please give a quick read to this section if you have not already mastered web-meets and video conferencing.

Mode and Technology

Medical Council of India has described various modes of tele-consultation depending on the technology used: telephonic, text based and video consultation. There are certain restrictions on telephonic consultation. A first consultation should always be video based; also, there are several medicines that I cannot prescribe without a video consultation. Therefore, I request you to consider video-consultation as the default mode of consultation.

How to access video consultation?

I will schedule a Google Meet for the consultation after you request an appointment. If you are using this platform for the first time please have a look at these instructions. This is how it will work:

  1. I will schedule a meet and you shall receive an email invitation. You can join the meeting via any web-browser as long as you have a Gmail account. If you do not have a Gmail account please write to me at and I will schedule a meeting through some other channel.

  2. You can attend the meeting through a desktop, laptop or smartphone (Android or Apple iOS). You do not have to download any software or plugin.

Privacy, Security and Recording

Google Meet uses encryption and numerous measures to ensure security. This website and all Google Apps associated with my account are compliant with HIPAA regulations for health care data protection. I do not record sessions and do not allow recording of sessions by participants also.

Etiquette of a Tele-Consultation

I request you to please ensure the following before a tele-consultation:

  1. Please check audio and video of your laptop/phone before you log into the meeting. You can see how to do it here.

  2. Please move to a quiet room or area to prevent disturbance.

  3. Please ensure that you have adequate privacy to discuss personal matters.

  4. Do not try to attend a meeting while driving or engaged in other works.

What if my internet is slow/weak?

Google Meet requires a minimum of 3.2 Mbps connection which is easily met. In your invite you will receive a dial-in number through which you can access the audio. However, it may be better to have a telephonic consultation.

I find this too complicated!

I understand... please write to me at and I will see which method suits you best.